
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
SeishunCon 2013 @ 8:43 PM

I'll be at SeishunCon with my sister this weekend! Look out for me in these costumes! :)

Come say hi if you happen to see me!

A Brief Update @ 8:42 PM

I've made a lot of progress since I last posted. As usual, you can find most of my updates on my recently created Facebook Fanpage. I also post on instagram, but any progress posted there gets posted on my fanpage as well. I created it mostly to keep my costuming progress, announcements, and plans separate from my personal facebook page. It's nice to be organized.

I've been through a lot of personal changes since last May, and all for the positive, and I've noticed a drastic increase in my thoughts and mentality on cosplay and its impact on my life as of late - I don't take it as seriously and I don't do it nearly as often. After a nice break, it's been much better to become motivated and I've only really focused on costumes I've wanted to do for a long time instead of taking on spontaneous projects. It's a nice change of pace and I'm very happy I'm feeling this way. :)

I've updated the Conventions and Costume tabs. Check 'em out! Also added an In-Progress section~

I'll be posting my costuming plans for SeishunCon 2013 soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dragon*Con and AWA, Come and Gone @ 1:15 PM

So sorry for my lack of updates! Following Dragon*Con, I had a month to construct a very labor-intensive costume to be debuted at AWA! Luckily it turned out great, and I'm just waiting on a couple more photographers to post shots. I already put up an album on ACParadise due to my excitement, though. So that can be viewed below~

I have another costume I finished as well, but won't post a link until I have decent photos. Hopefully the wait won't be very long~

Following AWA I went to Charleston, SC to visit family for a little over a week~ I had a great time visiting everyone and taking time to enjoy walking on the beach, which we don't have in Atlanta! ;_; It's the main thing I miss about living in Charleston so much! However, I should be visiting again in November for Thanksgiving, so I can focus on looking forward to that! :)

Concerning anime and cosplay, I've begun a new (for me, at least!) series called Shugo Chara!, and so far, it's really good! I started watching it due to the number of recommendations I'd received from friends. I also have my eye on a character I'd like to do for an event later this year, so hopefully I'll like her~ It would be nice to be able to cosplay with two really close friends of mine again, which is another plus to doing it. It would be the last costume I'd do this year, too, so I have to make it count! Here's a picture~

I'm really excited to start on Utau, but I feel I should get a better grasp of her character before I become too devoted! Haha.

I have a couple plans for 2012 already, but I'll wait to post them~ I will say one thing though: I'm really excited! Next year is going to bring about a lot of exciting plans!

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Monday, August 8, 2011
Dragon*Con 2011 @ 9:51 PM

Hello again! I'm proud of myself for making a post so quickly after the last! I've finally gotten a schedule together for Dragon*Con this year, and I'm scared (but also excited) to say that I have 10 costumes planned for it! Several are rewears for shoots only, so it won't be too bad. Here's the schedule:

And a quick breakdown:

Hiccup (flight harness version) from How to Train Your Dragon with Megan as Ruffnut.
Takagi Saya from Highschool of the Dead with Jess as Rei, Collin and Steven as Takashi, Cristine and Tise as Seako, and Daniel as Kouta!
Catherine from Catherine with Cristine and Krista as Katherine, John as Vincent, Kevin as Johnny, and Steven as Toby.

In the morning-evening, I'm open for more Catherine, so we'll see!
Himesaki Orie from Tsun Dere II: Tsukikari no Raspberry with Krista as Haruna.
Melody from Josie & the Pussycats with Megan as Josie and Tise as Valerie.
Kaori Saeki from Bible Black with tons of girls and guys as other characters!

Ariel from The Little Mermaid with Laura as Belle, Christina as Giselle, Livvy as Jasmine, Kelsey as Rapunzel, & Jeanette as Snow White.
Chocolat Misu from Bakuretsu Hunters with Jo as Tira Misu.
Shion Fujino from Hatsu Inu.

Will cosplay if I am up to it, so pretty much anything.

And throw Star Trek in there somewhere! I'm sure we'll have the time, as no one sleeps at Dragon*Con! :D But I'm really, really excited for the con! Still working on costumes, but I feel I'm at least 70% done with everything! Hopefully I'll be able to make a few more progress posts before the con hits! Wish me luck! :)

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Friday, August 5, 2011
Otakon + Costume Updates @ 12:14 PM

Otakon came and went fairly quickly! We departed bright and early on Thusday morning and arrived in Baltimore around 5PM. We waited for our roomies to show up, and once they did, we all checked into our room at the Hilton and unloaded our stuff. The rest of the evening was used to scout the convention center and its neighboring food locations. We crashed around midnight that night.

For Friday, I wore 2 new Klan outfits! Luckily, Al (EBK) got some photos (which you can see by clicking the banner below), so I was able to change out fairly early. Leo even got a few of the first outfit I wore, and I'm anxiously awaiting them! :) Friday night we ate at Jimmy John's with a handful of friends.

Saturday was Ariel day~ I'm happy I got a chance to break her in, as there are a handful of things I would like to fix before D*C. I also accidentally got paint from Steven's Mass Effect helmet on my corset, so I'll need to clean that up. Al got a few of Ariel and Leo got 1 or 2. I'll wait until those are put online before I update the costume on ACP, though. We retired to the room/hanging with friends early Saturday though. Ended up eating at the Cheesecake Factory and treated Jo and Steve to dinner! :) It was his birthday, after all! Speaking of...

Mine was the 16th! I completely forgot to post about it! So Steven and I got to celebrate around the same time! I'm now 21 and he's 23! :D

Sunday was spent packing up and waiting in the lobby for our friends to come get us and help us load up. I also spent some more time hanging with Jo~ :D So that was my Otakon experience.

Overall, I rate it a 9 out of 10, only because of personal reasons. Hopefully the convention will be much more exciting next year!

now for some updates~

I hope I get a chance to wear either of these again, especially the waitress variant! Sadly, my Dragon*Con and Anime Weekend Atlanta schedules are full, so I doubt I'll get a chance to wear them... However, I have a lot of new and exciting things planned! I also have been really into Luka & Gumi's "Happy Sythsizer". It's the first time I've actually wanted to learn the dance to something! Maybe I will. Hmmm. Hahaha.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Otakon 2011 @ 6:19 PM

Since I've finally gotten confirmation, I'd like to announce that I will be present at Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland this year!! I'm really excited since it's one of the cons I've been dying to attend! I hope it's as great as I've imagined it to be!

The only catch is that I'll be working in the dealers' room for a good majority of the con, so hopefully I'll get some time in to see friends and do a shoot or two~ Here's what I plan to bring:

The only new costume I'm bringing is pink dinner gown Ariel from The Little Mermaid! I've finally finished her and figured I could bring her to Ota to do a test run in before Dragon*Con! I also wanted to get photos in my school uniform Fujino so that I can turn it into the summer uniform (since I don't want to make an entire new top!) for AWA! I'm really excited about both D*C and AWA due to the costumes I plan to make for them! :) I can't wait!

But first I have to visit family next weekend for my birthday. Then it's Otakon, and finally D*C and AWA! Busy times lie ahead! :3 For now, have my most recent photo of my Ariel progress! Sewing complete!

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Saturday, July 2, 2011
All links fully functional! @ 10:06 AM

A few days ago, I finished uploading all the links to costume pages. They're not pages on this blog, but on my other portfolio site, American Cosplay Paradise. I really enjoy the way they have everything set up for cosplayers and how simple it is to browse, so for now, the links will just lead there! When I finish up with con season this year, I'll think about setting up specific pages.

Speaking of con season, Steven and I have just gotten word that we have a high chance of attending Otakon! We're super stoked, but trying to keep our nerves under control until official word gets out that we have a place to stay. Until then, it's the high-tension, anxious waiting game. I have an idea of what costumes I would bring, but will wait until it's confirmed to post about it here~

But for today, I'll be making a JoAnn run with Megan to pick up some odds and ends that we need for Dragon*Con costumes. She's been trying to get me to cosplay from Game of Thrones with her, and even though I'm highly tempted (and borderline starting), I have 6 costumes to finish for myself, and 2 to finish for Steven before the con rolls around. If for some reason I have time, I'll do it. :3c But we'll see!

happy 4th of july!

I hope everyone enjoys their 4th of July! I'll be working that morning, but no plans have been set up for me just yet. I plan to at least catch some fireworks! Have fun!!

: Younha - Taiyou no Tomatoe
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